Santa Fe

One of the more popular get-to-know-someone questions is "What is your favorite color?". This simple query is in fact quite loaded because your answer signifies a great deal about you as a person. Colors have qualities akin to personality traits, just as colors are also associated with certain emotions. And often our favorite color is… Continue reading Santa Fe

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

This quilt and this post are all about LOVE, in all caps! There are also a lot of exclamation points. If there are any deputized grammar police or super curmudgeons who read this blog, this is your warning. At a young age, I learned the power of the words LOVE and its opposite hate. My… Continue reading Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Car Wheels on a Gravel Road

#quiltonacleanfloor What is your method for dealing with bad news? How do you comfort yourself when life is icky? One of my methods is to head to my sewing machine where I can channel my emotions and work it all out. I suppose I could actually work out, or project my energy into an angry… Continue reading Car Wheels on a Gravel Road